Isn’t it peculiar how life turns out?

Hi! I’m Alice, I am the founder of Clarity Imagined.

Up until 2020, I was a busy mum of one (I know I know, but god only knows how I would have managed over the last 2 years with anymore!) working 50-60 hours a week, between my husband and I one of us would always be with our daughter. Running through the shower in the afternoon to run to my second job.  I loved being busy, but I was missing so much of my daughter's life!

My life changed forever in  July 2020 when my husband and daughter were involved in a tragic accident that claimed the life of my husband, and almost that of my daughter. Sitting by her bedside in the PICU I couldn't see a path forward, all I knew was that I could not go back to living and working the way I had been for the past 14years! 

I scaled back from work ( I stopped working!). It was a huge change for me, but I needed to take time out from the world to process what had happened, to care for my daughter, and to grieve.

The question was, what do I want to do for the rest of my life? How could I possibly go back to working 50-60 hours a week without my daughter missing out? Simply put I couldn’t.

Fast forward to April of 2021, I was still very much self-involved in my grief when my mother had a turn and we rushed to southern Victoria to be by her side while she had open-heart surgery!

Being the person I am, I needed to help, I needed to be busy, so I started organising mum's home from top to bottom during her respite. It was around this time that I realised I do this often. It brings me peace. Cluttered surroundings create a cluttered mind. I realised that I have been doing this my whole life!

I wondered if this was my calling? Could I offer this as a service? It had been staring me in the face for years, I just needed to take a step back and re-evaluate what was important to me. (Nothing like a couple of family tragedies to make you reassess your life choices!)

I enjoy helping people create clarity of mind for themselves. 

I am Clarity Imagined.